Software Development in C and C++

C is a general-purpose procedural programming language that was designed to build operating systems. C is a complier-based programming language unlike other languages like Python and Java that are interpreter based. C++ is an extension of C language, it’s a combination of procedural and object-oriented programming language. C++ was built upon C and hence all the features of C and available in C++ along with additional features.

A Data Structure is a named storage location that can be used to store and organize data such that the data can be processed and retrieved in an efficient manner.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with the Database in Relational Database Management system. Using SQL the user can make updates to the Database, retrieve desired information from the Database and also manipulate and organize data in the Database.

Why you should enroll for this course?

  • C programming language is recommended to beginners
  • Programs coded and complied using C programming language can be executed very quickly and consume lesser memory as compared to other programming languages.
  • Various professional projects like operating systems, browsers, compilers, data base and cloud storage systems are built using C/C++.
  • Knowledge of Data Structures helps the programmer to build efficient and optimized software program.
  • Learning Data Structures helps the programmer select the correct Data Structure based upon the set of operations the programmer intends to perform on the data.
  • SQL is used to extract data from large data sets in programming languages.


Introduction to C

Flow Control



C Pointers

Introduction to C++

Flow Control



Arrays and Strings

Object and Class


Object-Oriented Programming

Data Structures and Algorithms


Completing the Software Development with C and C++ course opens up a multitude of career paths in the software industry. You can explore roles such as:

• Software Developer/Engineer: Create, test, and maintain software applications using C and C++ languages.

• System Programmer: Develop and maintain system-level software using C and C++.

• Embedded Systems Developer: Work on developing software for embedded systems and IoT devices, where C and C++ are widely used.

• Game Developer: Build interactive and engaging games by leveraging the powerful features of C++.

• Firmware Developer: Design and implement firmware for devices and systems using C and C++.

• Application Developer: Develop desktop and server applications using C and C++ for various platforms.

• Database Developer: Create software to interact with and manage databases efficiently.

• Quality Assurance Engineer: Ensure the quality and reliability of software by testing and debugging code.
• In-depth Programming Skills: The course provides a solid foundation in C and C++ programming languages, which are essential for various software development roles.

• Problem-Solving Abilities: Learn to solve complex problems and develop logical thinking skills, crucial for software development.

• Versatility: C and C++ are versatile languages used in diverse domains, offering you flexibility in choosing your career path.

• Industry Relevance: Mastering these languages makes you attractive to industries like gaming, embedded systems, and system programming where C and C++ are prevalent.

• Foundation for Advanced Concepts: C and C++ serve as a stepping stone for learning more advanced programming concepts and languages.
The timeline for career growth varies based on individual effort, experience, and opportunities. However, many learners begin applying their skills in real-world projects during or immediately after the course, boosting their resume. With continuous learning, practical experience, and networking, you can expect to see substantial career growth within a few years of completing the Software Development with C and C++ course.
C and C++ are both powerful programming languages commonly used in software development, but they have distinct differences. C is a procedural programming language that focuses on structured programming and efficiency. C++, on the other hand, is an extension of C that introduces object-oriented programming (OOP) features, allowing for better code organization, encapsulation, and reusability through classes and objects.
Pointers are fundamental in both C and C++ programming for managing memory efficiently and for creating data structures. In C, pointers are extensively used to manipulate memory addresses directly, allowing for more control but also introducing potential risks like memory corruption. In C++, pointers are still crucial, but smart pointers like unique and shared pointers provide safer memory management by automatically managing memory deallocation, reducing the chances of common programming errors.
Exception handling is a mechanism used to manage runtime errors and anomalies in code. C++ introduces a robust exception handling mechanism using try-catch blocks. This allows developers to catch and handle exceptions gracefully, improving code reliability. In C, error handling is typically achieved using return codes or global error variables, which can lead to less organized and error-prone code.
Polymorphism is a key concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) and is highly significant in C++ development. It allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class through inheritance and interfaces. This enables the creation of flexible and extensible software systems. Polymorphism enables developers to write generic code that can work with different types of objects, enhancing code reusability and maintainability while promoting a modular design approach.
Enrolled: 15 students
Duration: 54 Hours
Level: Beginner

Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 7.30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 7.30 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 7.30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 7.30 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 7.30 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 7.00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 7.00 pm